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Numotion Foundation Contributes a Second Round of Emergency Relief Funds to Ukraine

Brentwood, TN (November 14, 2022) – Numotion Foundation announced another round of emergency relief contributions of $30,000 to organizations serving those affected by the ongoing aggression in Ukraine. The contribution is primarily intended to assist those living with mobility-related disabilities currently facing displacement, economic uncertainty, and a lack of access to appropriate mobility equipment and independent living aids as the result of the worsening crisis in this region.

The $30,000 contribution was distributed once again to two separate organizations operating in Ukraine, both of which are dedicated to meeting the needs of the disability population. The National Assembly of People with Disabilities of Ukraine (NAPD), an organization representing over 120 Ukrainian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) assisting those living with disabilities, will receive the contribution, retaining some funding to support their mission with further distribution to The Chernivtsi Regional Organization of People with Disabilities (CROPD). CROPD is a member organization of NAPD identified as an NGO run by and focused on serving those living with mobility-related disabilities. Funds received will assist both organizations as they support those who continue to be affected by the ongoing crisis.

This contribution, in addition to the $50,000 contribution made earlier this year, has provided direct financial assistance to over 250 individuals, hospital room renovations needed to support those with mobility-related disabilities in refugee areas, financial support to boarding school/home serving those with mobility-related disabilities, and much more.

Mike Swinford, CEO of Numotion and President of the Numotion Foundation stated, “We are proud to continue to support these organizations and their efforts towards meeting the needs of those living with disabilities in Ukraine. It is our hope that these contributions provide relief as all recover from the unwarranted aggression in their country.”

About The Numotion Foundation

The Numotion Foundation’s mission is to support the people and causes that work towards improving the lives of people with disabilities in communities of common interest. Through relationships with other foundations and 501(c)(3) organizations, whose primary focus includes funding for research, mobility needs and support services, the Numotion Foundation aims to help individuals with mobility disabilities live life to the fullest. For more information please visit: www.numotionfoundation.org.